1. Applicability and definition
INSO GROUP SPAIN SL and the supplier agree that once the order is defined, the latter will send a signed and accepted copy of the purchase order within 3 calendar days. Once this term has expired, all the terms and conditions of the purchase order will be considered accepted by the supplier.
2. Documents related to the contract
The purchase contract between INSO GROUP SPAIN SL and the supplier will include, in addition to the purchase order, issued by INSO GROUP SPAIN SL, as part of the contract, both the procedures and specifications requested in the order, as well as the technical requirements and applicable standards required in the same.
3. Conditions and penalties for delays in deliveries
The delivery conditions indicated in the order, once they have been confirmed by the supplier and accepted by INSO GROUP SPAIN SL, can only be modified by INSO GROUP SPAIN SL by prior notification and in writing by email to the supplier or its agent. .
If, for any reason, a delay is foreseen by the supplier, the latter shall inform INSO GROUP SPAIN SL in writing by email immediately.
In case of delay in the delivery of the merchandise, except in cases of force majeure or circumstances attributable to INSO GROUP SPAIN SL, a weekly penalty of 2% will be applied to the supplier, with 10% of the maximum penalty.
These penalties will apply after the first week of delay in delivery by the supplier.
4. Prices and delivery times
The prices specified in the order are fixed and no modifications will be accepted, unless they have been justified and previously accepted in writing by email. If you do not receive a notification of non-acceptance within three calendar days after the date of the purchase order, the price indicated in the order will be set as the price of the purchase order.
The prices included in the purchase contract will be in euros, except as expressly indicated therein.
The prices do not include IVA.
The supplier will deliver the DDP goods to the address indicated in the order (Incoterms 2020) unless expressly indicated in the EXW order (Incoterms 2020), and on the delivery date indicated in the order.
The prices indicated in the order will include the packaging, transport and necessary protection and must be duly identified in accordance with the order issued by INSO GROUP SPAIN SL
5. Payment terms
Except by express agreement between INSO GROUP SPAIN SL, and the provider, payment will be made by transfer 60 days after the invoice date.
In the event that the material certificates arrive later than the parts (delivery note or invoice date), the reference date for payment will be the date of receipt of the certificates.
The provider will send the invoice INSO GROUP SPAIN SL by e-mail preferably to: info@grupoinso.es or by post to Poeta Antonino Chocomeli 1-2, 46015 Valencia (Spain).
Invoices will not be accepted for partial shipments, except as previously agreed.
The invoice will include the following information:
"Order number, delivery note number, payment due date and the agreed payment method, without any surcharge for documentation, tests, loading, transport, packaging or other charges that have been specifically indicated in the order."
In case of conflict between INSO GROUP SPAIN SL and the provider regarding a specific delivery, INSO GROUP SPAIN SL reserves the right to withhold payment of the invoice at issue, as long as said dispute is resolved.
6. Warranty period
The warranty period for the goods will be six months from the date of delivery to INSO GROUP SPAIN SL, and the seller will repair or replace the defective goods in a reasonable period of time. If the replacement or repair is at the buyer's expense, INSO GROUP SPAIN SL reserves the right to request a reduction in the total order price.
If the supplier cannot eliminate the defect or refuses to do so, the buyer reserves the right to cancel the order. and the claim and reimbursement for costs incurred up to 10% of the total order value.
The supplier must confirm forty-eight hours in advance the delivery time of the goods to be replaced.
7. Confidentiality
All the information provided by INSO GROUP SPAIN Sl will be handled with the utmost confidentiality and will not be shared with other parties without the written authorization of INSO GROUP SPAIN SL
8. Inspection and access to suppliers' premises
INSO GROUP SPAIN SL may inspect the product at the supplier's facilities at any stage of its production process, and such inspection must be previously notified.
The buyer, as well as his client and the authorities of certification will have complete access to the facilities of the supplier. These visits must be notified and the most appropriate dates will be agreed with the provider.
9. Technical requirements and quality control
The technical requirements defined by INSO GROUP SPAIN SL and the applicable regulations regarding the merchandise will be those specified in the purchase order.
The goods will be delivered with the quality documents requested in the order and a copy will be sent to info@grupoinso.es. No payment will be issued until quality supporting documents are received.
The goods must be perfectly identified, ensuring that traceability is maintained throughout the process.
In case of deviations or non-conformities, these will be reported in writing to analyze the measures to be taken in accordance with INSO GROUP SPAIN SL
Returns for defects or non-conformity will be made postage due (EXW INCOTERMS 2020).
10. Shipping
The products shipped must be properly identified and have a delivery note attached with the following product information: "buyers order number, reference of the items indicated in the order, quantities, weight and name."
Products without delivery note or quality certificates will not be accepted.
No excess merchandise will be accepted in relation to the order, in which case an agreement will be required between INSO GROUP SPAIN SL and the supplier.
The merchandise must be completely packed, if applicable, due to its nature to avoid damage during transport, otherwise, the damage generated will be borne by the supplier.
11. Applicable law and conflict payment
This purchase conditions contract will be governed, translated and interpreted in accordance with Spanish law.
Any conflict in the application area or in relation to the purchase conditions contract must be resolved between both parties through the common practice of negotiation.
In the event that the conflict cannot be resolved within a maximum period of six months, the arbitration will take place in Spain according to Spanish law.